Leadville Railroad Trip Report

A big thanks to all who joined our memorable trip to Leadville on September 11!

While the highway and weather gods weren’t all that kind to us we had a most interesting day and a rare extension of a historic train ride, which required some behind-the-scenes “strategies.” And the railroad folks couldn’t have been more accommodating to us. The same can be said of the staff at the Delaware Hotel restaurant, where most of us dined for lunch.

Photo by Keith Kirby

The railroad highlight of the day was the extra 3 miles we traveled to the end of usable track on the Leadville Railroad at Storks Curve. We were surrounded by the actual headwaters of the Arkansas River, a mere trickle compared to its rage through the Royal Gorge, downriver. What a treat, thanks to the railroad (and special thanks to Sean!)!

Photo by Robert Brewster

Photo by Robert Brewster

Then there was the unannounced side trip to greater downtown Red Cliff and the spectacular 1939 bridge adorning its entrance. We also had numerous views of Union Pacific’s dormant Tennessee Pass railroad tracks, which many local folks hope could carry commuters to the world famous ski resorts near the rail line. Stay tuned on that one.

Photo by Keith Kirby

The old and the new at the Leadville Depot. The last standard gauge steam locomotive in regular service in Colorado next to the motor coach in which we had established residency for much of the day, to and from Leadville! Heavy on the “from.” We’ll forever cherish the free tutorial on highway paving techniques!

Photo by Robert Brewster

The Chapter will evaluate excursions for next year, so if you have any suggestions please forward them to us. These are the kinds of activities that keep our Intermountain Chapter engaged in Colorado’s fascinating railroad history, with rails clinging to mountainsides and following rivers, we see tracks in the darndest places! A few of our guests on the Leadville trip are not Chapter members so if you’d like to join the Intermountain Chapter, NRHS please visit our membership page by clicking HERE. You can join online on the site or mail a check as instructed. We’d love to have you as members!

The Chapter also wishes to recognize that several members of the RMD-TCA were with us on Wednesday. That’s the Rocky Mountain Division of the Train Collectors Association, which hosts the very popular train shows every year, exhibiting not only model trains and operating layouts, but all forms of rail interests, including us. The Chapter secures several tables to sell books and other railroadiana for our P-R-O Fund, enabling heritage grants to our worthy rail history venues. Our Chapter has had a valuable long-standing relationship with the RMD-TCA, along with ColoRail, the state’s foremost rail advocacy organization. So we have all the bases covered! Indeed, Colorado has a very vibrant rail-oriented community with many cross-over memberships. Rising ballast lifts all rails!

I’ll close with a photo of some of our 45 excursion members gathered at the water tank stop on the Leadville Railroad. Our fearless, patient, and talented motor coach operator, Austin, is at the right. Thanks, Austin, for a safe and comfortable journey! And don’t let the brake lights get to you!

Photo by Robert Brewster

Thanks again for joining us, and your patience on the return trip “adventure.” We hope to see you on future excursions and at our monthly Chapter meetings! Donuts, anyone?

Our SPECIAL THANKS to Libby Schultz!

Best Fall Color Wishes,

Bob Brewster, President

Intermountain Chapter,

National Railway Historical Society

PS  Here is what we wanted to see on the Leadville Train. Thanks to Chapter member, Keith Kirby, for photos 1,2, & 7. Maybe a return visit to Leadville is in order……..

Photo by Keith Kirby


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